Furry Weekend Atlanta 2014

Well, another year has come and gone, and what a year it was!

I really felt like, after eleven years, I’d seen it all. But FWA 2014 blew me away. We overcame some enormous obstacles to pull out an amazing convention, and I’m so proud of how it turned out.

I’m so proud of my staff. You guys did an amazing job this year overcoming some enormous obstacles. Your energy and enthusiasm was amazing, and I’m proud to have worked with you.

Thanks to our performers and panelists who made some memorable moments and shared their experiences with others.

Thanks to our charity, Conservator’s Center, for being at FWA again. We love supporting you guys and we believe in your mission.

Thanks to the 7,000+ people (OMG!) who tuned in to watch the fursuit dance competition live stream - enough people to crash our website! You know what’s better than watching it on live stream? Seeing it in real life, because it’s so much better in person!

And finally, thank you, the attendees! You’re the reason we work year round to put together a convention, and when I walk the hallways seeing everyone having a good time, I know all our work is worth it. We love you guys, and we look forward to welcoming you back home next year for FWA 2015: Shangri-La - The Furgotten Orient.

2014 By The Numbers

  • Total Attendance: 2,488
  • Fursuit Parade Count: Approx. 415 (I don’t have an accurate count yet)
  • Total Raised for Charity: $20,000
  • Factoid: At peak, our registration staff were moving through one person every 4.3 seconds!

Furry Weekend Atlanta 2015

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Kira is an Colorado-based collie dog permanently stuck in 1999. Her hobbies include software, trains, and doting on her wife, daughter and far too many cats. Lover of comfort foods, science fiction, alternative rock and progressive rock. Often wandering around without a clue. Proudly weird, proudly queer. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

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