Kira's Space


I remember when I first realized I could distract myself by keeping stupendously busy. It was spring of 2004. I was taking 18 hours of classes, helping plan the first FWA, and serving as an officer in the fraternity.

I had no time to feel sad or angry because I always had something to do. Of course I didn’t realize that at the time. I just did it. The more shit I threw myself into, the less I felt. Rather effective coping strategy … for dealing with massive internalized self-hatred.

I have existed like that for 19 long years.


On Burned Furs (2.0) and the Death of the Fandom

So here we are, five months later. This shit is still going, getting louder and more annoying. People are doxxing each other, block lists are being passed around, chat logs are being leaked and a lot of digital bits are being spilled. People are accusing each other of killing the fandom and saying that it’s already dead or something. Others are taking the true spirit of iconoclasm and applying it to the fandom’s reputation and history. All the while a lot of people are looking on as shit gets more and more outlandish.

Holy shit, this really is Burned Furs 2.0. I never thought I’d see another fandom-wide shitfest like it, but here we are. What a time to be alive.


On Trolling, Nazis and the Furry Fandom

Happy Easter everyone.

So this started out as a tweetstorm, but I thought it might be better as a blog post, so here goes.

So we seem to be having a bit of an issue right now with neo-Nazis in the furry fandom. Now, whether these people are actual neo-Nazis or just middle class punk kids looking to get a rise out of people is another question, but for the time being, I am going to take these people at their word and assume they actually believe in the tenets of National Socialism. After all, when you retweet posts celebrating Hitler’s birthday, you just might be a neo-Nazi.


Let's Talk About Furry Cons

We need to talk about cons.

This post began as a series of tweets, in reaction to Furry Weekend Atlanta’s announcement that they were going to try something different to replace the fursuit parade. This is, of course, a divisive issue. Some people have called parades “death marches” (which I think is a bit of an exaggeration) while others are apoplectic with rage that their favorite event of the con is changing.


Kira's Mac Essentials

Putting this here for a friend, but if others want to check it out, you’re welcome to. I’ve been a Mac user for the last ~10 years, and here are a series of my favorite Mac programs and some tips for new Mac users.


Describes My Life

Tho’ much is taken, much abides; and tho’
We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are;
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.

Tennyson, Ulysses

New Car!

Since having our first child in 2012, we have really been struggling with one thing I hadn’t anticipated on struggling with - an inability to travel because both my wife and I had small cars. She drove a Mazda Protege, and I a Toyota Tacoma.


Furry Weekend Atlanta 2014

Well, another year has come and gone, and what a year it was!

I really felt like, after eleven years, I’d seen it all. But FWA 2014 blew me away. We overcame some enormous obstacles to pull out an amazing convention, and I’m so proud of how it turned out.

I’m so proud of my staff. You guys did an amazing job this year overcoming some enormous obstacles. Your energy and enthusiasm was amazing, and I’m proud to have worked with you.



When you have a toddler, it’s hard to do things. Even simple things, like going to the movies. So with the grandparents watching her, we were finally able to get to go see Frozen - a full three months (nearly) after it opened.

Wow. Hands down the best Disney movie since The Lion King hit theaters 20 years ago. Probably the best movie I’ve seen since Avatar as well. The animation was gorgeous, the music was top-notch, and story was refreshingly different from typical Disney “princess” fare.


Southern Snows

So without a doubt you’ve seen the reports about the “Snowpocalypse” we had in the southeast. “Two inches,” they keep saying, paralyzed an entire region. They then look smugly down on us poor southern hicks, unable to deal with two simple inches of snow. “We get x inches a day here!”

If only it were that simple.